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Information about Lessons

The kiteboarding is an easy sport but without the proper training can be dangerous for you and all the others around you! That’s why the lessons are required!
All lessons are centered around the safety of the student with the safest means and take place at the safest locations and under the appropriate conditions. Courses include full equipment (kites, boards, harness, life jacket, helmet) and wireless communication in the water and rescue boat at the stages that is required



Do not try to fly regular kite without prior experience and without someone experienced by your side.


Kite Control / Beginner Level 1 (2×1.5H=3H) 140€

The first package of courses consists of 2 sessions (lasting 1.5 hours each) and includes basic principles of Kiteboard. Everythging you should know if you decid to deal with the sport and be safe.

  • Weather conditions and criteria for selecting a safe location.
  • Explanation of the flight kite and Window Wind.
  • Trimming of the kite.
  • Explanation and the testing of the training kite!
  • Flying of the training kite!
  • Basic hand signals.
  • Taking off and landing the regular kite.
  • Testing the security systems in flight of the kite.

Water Control/ Beginner Level 2 (2×1.5H=3H) 140€

The second package includes 2 sessions (lasting 1.5 hours each), that aimed to the proper handling of the kite and the power output in the water.

  • Flying the kite and power output.
  • Handling the kite  with one hand.
  • Body Draging.
  • Taking off the kite from water.
  • Testing the security systems at water.
  • Self rescue techniques


Get-Up Stand-Up / Beginner Level 3 (2×1.5Ω=3Ω) 140€

The third package includes 2 sessions (lasting 1.5 hours each), in the end they will have learned to handle the board and keeps it running.

  • BodyDrag beat on track with the help of the hand.
  • BodyDrag beat on track with the help of the board.
  • Waterstart.
  • Retrieving the board with BodyDrag.
  • Maintaining the course.
  • Cruising Priorities

Some photos from lessons…